WISE Slack Policies

Adhere To Each Channel’s Designated Purpose: Each Slack channel has a specific purpose. Before posing a question in the channel please take a moment to ask yourself, “Does this go here?” For example, if you’re looking for a new opportunity, be sure to use the Recruiting channel vs. General.
Be Friendly, But Professional: WISE is dedicated to creating and facilitating safe environments where women can connect and share their successes and struggles. You should be comfortable being yourself, but be mindful that a future or current colleague, mentor, director report or manager might be tuned in.
Zero Tolerance for Self Promotion. We trust that your company’s solution is amazing, but please don’t use this as an opportunity to sell your product or service. We have a zero tolerance for self-promotion and there are no exceptions.
Note - Only WISE Partner companies are able to post about roles they're hiring for in the "jobs" channel. Thanks in advance!
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