How do I become a partner?

Here are the qualifications for WISE partners:

  • Long Term Vision - Commitment to supporting the long-term development and retention of female-identifying employees in sales, and are not solely using WISE for the purpose of hitting a quick, short-term diversity hiring goal.
  • Focus on DEI - Diversity, equity & inclusion is a company-wide initiative and priority with executive support.
  • Female presence on current sales team - Currently have women on your sales team, and ideally have women in sales leadership, executive, or board positions.
  • Positive Industry Reputation - Strong existing employer branding, i.e. 3.5+ Glassdoor Review, positive reputation, etc.

We offer Standard and Premium partnership packages and the benefits vary based on tier. The partnership lasts for a year and it starts once the partnership contract is signed.

For partnership inquiries, fill out this form.

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