Can my company pay the membership fee and how do I request reimbursement?

Many companies have a Learning and Development or Continued Education budget set aside for employees to spend on conferences, books, communities, etc. for continued education and WISE Members will often confirm with their managers that their WISE annual subscription cost can be covered by their company under this Learning and Development or Continued Education budget.
Your company’s L&D or Continued Education budget is often highlighted in an Employee Handbook or your onboarding materials from when you were first hired. We recommend checking both and any other internal employee resource guides before presenting a proposal to your manager. It’s possible that you already have approval to expense this!

If you do not see a L&D or Continued Education budget, we recommend creating a proposal to take to your manager. We recommend sending this proposal before your meeting or 1:1 so your manager can digest the information and come with any questions. This also allows them time to check with others above them that may control the budget.

Key things to include in your proposal

What is this? WISE Individual Membership is an annual subscription for women in the sales community. Individual Member gives you access to:

  • Unlimited access to WISE Pods - An interactive way to meet other community members from around the world in a virtual roundtable setting. 
  • Exclusive access to the WISE Slack Group for members and partners only. Ask questions, share knowledge and cultivate relationships made during Pods and other WISE networking events
  • Mentorship matching opportunities with sales leaders in the WISE Executive Council- a curated council made up of women VP-level or above that have volunteered to mentor members in the WISE community
  • Ability to view and apply for open roles on the WISE Job Board featuring WISE-vetted partners
  • Free admission to all WISE events, both virtual and/or in-person
  • Invitations to member-only events in individual cities (in-person events are typically $20-$30/each)

What is the cost?


How do you plan to use this membership?

We recommend “committing” to a certain engagement strategy. Based on your schedule and interests, if one of your goals is to do more networking and get to know others in the community, you may say, “Attend 1 Pod session/month,” or if you’re working on improving your personal brand “Tune in to 2 virtual panels and write a LinkedIn post with my takeaways the day after”.

Other pitch points to contextualize your interest:

  • Ability to meet and network with women all around the world no matter seniority or geographic location
  • Access to mentors and female leadership that may be lacking at your current company
  • $120/year broken down monthly is $10/month. This is less than going out to team drinks, paying for an employee’s lunch, or a variety of other things that we typically associate with expenses
The WISE team is here to help! If you’re concerned about going to your manager or have more questions about this, please be sure to apply for membership and then email us at 
Have more questions? Submit a request


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